We’re onto the third time I’ve now seen Julia Masli’s current show, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, and I will happily see it again and again and again. This time, it was in London with Alasdair and Robin, neither of whom had seen it before.
To recap! Julia Masli is an Estonian clown and this show largely involves her wandering through the audience, dressed in a Victorian gown, and with a mannequin leg for an arm with a microphone strapped to it, asking people their problems and attempting to solve them. It’s better and so much more than it sounds.
Now she’s in the Soho Theatre, there’s a lot more she can do. At one point, food falls from the sky - intentionally! - in a way that is obviously prepped for her to call on when she needs to, but the serendipity tonight of the person wanting food being sat right below where the food is prepped in the ceiling above them is delightful.
I mean, I don’t want to spoil more of it, but put simply, she’s got plumbing this time around.
It remains, though, such a fascinating communal experience. At one point, Alasdair donates a sock to the cause of getting rid of the bad things in your life, and thinks nothing of it. So do many others in the audience. It’s magic. I love it.